TikTok’s Francis Bourgeoise: who is he and why has he gone viral? Model, Age and Net Worth – At the moment, Francis Bourgeois seemed to be everywhere. You’ve almost certainly seen something of the 21-year-old trainspotter catching the internet by storm, whether it’s on TikTok or chatting with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield on This Morning.
With cosigns from a slew of prominent faces, including Joe Jonas and Arsenal great Thierry Henry, he’s making more noise than a class 377 (or honks to those who aren’t in the know).
However, you may find yourself wondering if there is anything else you can do “What is the name of the TikTok celebrity? Who was he and where did he come from? Is he really that interested in trains?” Yes, he is that interested in trains, and there is a lot we can learn from him and his enthusiasm for his hobby.

Here’s a rundown of all the things we adore about TikTok sensation Francis Bourgeois.
1. His genuine passion for his hobby
It’s inspiring to see someone so genuinely passionate about something (we all wish we were). Francis has been passionate about trains from the age of four, as he told Holly and Phil on This Morning. When he was younger he lived near Willesdon Junction in London, so he’d see many different types of trains from a young age.
He started trainspotting during his teenage years but it was only once he started posting his trips on TikTok that he amassed a large following. Whilst some have questioned how genuine he is, trust us when we say he is the real deal. Either that or he is the best actor we’ve ever seen, with a back story written by a Nobel prize winning author. Have you seen the way he falls out of his chair in sheer awe of the class 377 passing by? You really couldn’t make this stuff up.
Whilst some may not see the appeal of trainspotting, the passion Francis has for his hobby is truly inspiring and teaches us a valuable lesson: to pursue what makes us happy and not worry about how others may perceive us.
2. The Happiness he brings to many
Trainspotting is a bit of a niche hobby (although Francis may be changing that). It wouldn’t be a stretch to say, therefore, that it is less the trains bringing people to Francis’ videos and rather Francis himself and the pure joy on show in all of his TikToks. As Joe Jonas commented on one of Francis’ TikTok’s, “You are happiness”. And this definitely rings true.
We challenge you to watch his videos and not crack a smile – honestly it’s impossible… how can you hear that infectious laughter and not find yourself grinning at your phone?

3. His ability to bring people together
Francis has fans from all walks of life: From KSI, to Metallica who commented, “… and tones for all” on one of his recent videos, suggesting there could be a Metallica/KSI collab on the horizon featuring Francis’ tones (although this could be wishful thinking). Francis recently made a video with Thierry Henry in which he gave him a train whistle. In this TikTok Francis told Thierry about how he was given the whistle from Selhurst train depot, but as he likes to “pass kindness on”, he thought he’d give the whistle to Thierry – something we can all take away and apply to our own lives.
Along with his famous friends, Francis has amassed a whopping 1.6 million followers on TikTok and 868k on Instagram. Francis really is bringing people together, introducing many to trainspotting through his infectious passion and happiness.
4. His reaction to hearing a train honking
Francis gets unparalleled joy from hearing train honks (or “tones” for the trainspotting aficionados out there). The laughter he gets from hearing the tones is infectious and displays a true passion for his hobby. The more tones the better for Francis, with laughing fits often following a barrage of honks.
The only thing it seems that can bring him more joy is to do the honking himself. He recently attempted to do 100 tones as he passed through a tunnel at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. Sadly he only managed 73, but this is still definitely an achievement.
5. His unique camera angles
One of the main reasons people are initially drawn to Francis’ TikTok page is his use of a GoPro camera strapped to his face – these camera angles feature heavily in all his videos, giving us a strange warped view of his face. These reaction shots are a little bizarre and are one of the quirks that make Francis stand out from other TikTokers.
It’s unclear why he has chosen to go for these shots: It may be to make him stand out? It may be to fully embrace the weirdness of reaction videos? It could just be a bit of fun? Whatever the reason they are something that make his videos truly unique and we love them.
6. His taste in fashion
One of the most eye catching things about Francis is his taste in fashion. In his videos he is typically wearing an item of railway uniform, be it a National Rail shirt or a vintage conductors jacket and hat. But he often pairs these items with a nice range of streetwear, from Carhartt trousers to pristine sneakers, and some funky vintage jumpers. This and his single earring make Francis something of a trendsetter – we can picture it already, the slews of people going on to take inspiration from his style in the coming months. Francis may prove to be a true trendsetter, with his unique and funky style.
7. The fact… he’s also a model?
Yes, you heard us right, Francis is also a model (his exquisite fashion taste makes a lot more sense now). Francis is signed to Brother Models, check out his fashion profile with examples of his modelling work. The future is bright for Francis Bourgeois.
8. His sense of humour
Francis has a great sense of humour. He doesn’t take himself too seriously, as is clear in his videos. He first attracted attention on TikTok through posting a couple of fake Instagram Live interviews with Billie Eilish and the British rapper Swarmz. These videos are actually pretty convincing.
Whilst Billie never responded, Swarmz wasn’t too pleased about the video, reposting it and branding Francis a “weirdo”, to which Francis’ fans retaliated. It is clear from this that right from the start Francis’ videos weren’t supposed to be taken completely seriously – and with all the seriousness in the world at the moment, Francis is bringing some much needed silliness to the table.
9. His love of a good boogie
Outside of trainspotting, Francis loves attending music festivals with his friends. He recently went to The Warehouse Project in Manchester, where he starred in a promotional video for the event. Whilst some may not have thought this to be his scene, Francis embraced it and rocked his normal attire.
10. He’s studying engineering so he can work with trains
Francis Bourgeois is currently studying mechanical engineering at the University of Nottingham. Following his degree he wants to go into railway engineering and infrastructure engineering. He said on This Morning that he wants to contribute his “passion for trains and also engineering to make the railway network a better place for everyone”. This statement earned a round of applause from Holly and Phil, and so it should – it is a noble goal and shows how our passions can be followed into our professional lives.
11. He is pursuing his love of trains as a career
Francis has recently quit his job to pursue his hobby full time. He revealed this in a recent Instagram Story where he claimed, “Today I quit my job to do trainspotting full time”. Once again he proves what can happen when you unashamedly follow your passions. As well as being great news for Francis this is great news for us, as it means there will be even more incredible trainspotting content on the horizon.
Here are some more things you may want to know about Francis…
Who is Francis Bourgeois?
Francis Bourgeois is a TikToker and train enthusiast. He has amassed a large following on TikTok from his unique trainspotting videos.
What is Francis Bourgeois’ real name?
Well according to The Tab, his real name is actually Luke Magnus.
What is Francis Bourgeois’ job?
Francis Bourgeois recently quit his job to trainspot full time. The job he left is unknown, but it seems his success on TikTok is what has allowed him to make this change. Alongside this he studies Mechanical engineering at The University of Nottingham. In the future he wants to be a railway engineer.
Is Francis Bourgeois in a relationship?
It is unclear whether he is in a relationship or not – no romantic partners appear in his videos, however he keeps details of his personal life relatively private so who knows? If he does they’re surely into trains as well.

How old is Francis Bourgeois?
Francis Bourgeois is 21 years old.
Is Francis Bourgeois real?
Yes, Francis Bourgeois is real. He’s really that passionate about trains.
Does Francis Bourgeois have TikTok?
He does, you can follow him @francis.bourgeois.
Does Francis Bourgeois have instagram?
He does, you can follow him @francis_bourgeois43.
What can we learn from Francis Bourgeois?
We can learn a lot from Francis. For one we can learn the value of being yourself, and following your passions without being concerned about what others may think. Whilst you may not have a hobby like trainspotting, there will no doubt be something in your life you are passionate about. Allow that to be to you what trainspotting is to Francis.
Francis has amassed his social media following through being himself, quirks and all. As a result of this many have been quick to question the reality of his persona – it could be, however, that they were not used to seeing someone be so purely and unapologetically themselves, especially on social media. We can all learn a lot from Francis – from the joy he brings to many through his passion and his general outlook on life.
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